Is there a working Glossybox discount code available?
At this moment, there are 21 discount codes available for Glossybox on These codes are used 1769 times and are last verified on 3 November 2024.
How much money can I save at Glossybox?
The past 30 days, visitors of saved €23 at Glossybox with 22 different discounts.
How do I get the best discount at Glossybox?
You can try all 21 discount codes to find out with which code you save the most, or directly choose a code that is recommended by If you found a working Glossybox code yourself, we would be pleased to hear from you.
Is there free delivery?
For orders over £20 delivery will be free. For order under that a standard delivery fee will apply. Orders within the UK will arrive within 2-3 business days
Does Glossybox deliver internationally?
Glossybox delivers to US, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, Sweden, Norway and Austria. Check the website for the list of countries Glossybox delivers to and the various delivery options to these countries.
When will my monthly subscription boxes arrive?
Each Glossy Box is shipped on the 5th day of each month. You will receive an email once the order has been dispatched.
My order is missing an item
Contact Glossybox Customer Care Team regarding the issue. From there the team will investigate the issue and offer a solution